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February 2, 2009
Town of Princeton, MA
Parks & Recreation
Regular Meeting
February 2, 2009
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM.  Present were Chairman-Chris Alsdorf, Members- Kevin Heman, Ron Milenski, and Parks & Rec Director Sue Shanahan. Kevin McGahey and Kelton Burbank were absent.   

Basketball Light Timer- Bill Received
Woodmeister submitted a bill in the amount of $460.00 for reimbursement for the basketball court light timer. Ed Carlson was present for the discussion. Ed said the new timer was removed and the original timer was reinstalled. He will contact Ted Goodnow regarding the bill. Brenda will follow up with Ed.

FY09 & FY 10 Budget Numbers
Ron will get three telephone bids for fertilizer and will work on FY10 numbers. An update will be provided at the next meeting.  Chris will work with Kevin and Sue on the FY10 budget.

Parks & Rec Director Updates

  • Winter Carnival – was a huge success with an estimated 500 people participating. Additional events will be added next year to get older kids involved. Sue will publish a thank you note in the Landmark for Ken Whitney, Glenn Lyons, and others who helped make the event a success.
  • Snow Day- The tentative date is Sunday, March 15. Sue will confirm the date with the mountain and begin asking for donations.  A scoreboard is needed for Krashes basketball court. The committee will try to get one donated.
  • Fill for Sawyer Field – Sue will contact Larry Greene.
  • Eagle Scout Project- Scout Michael Somes is working on clearing trails behind TPS with Sue for his Eagle Scout project.
  • Laptop- Sue will research purchasing a laptop.
Lease for Everett Needham Field House
The Committee reviewed a letter from Town Counsel on leasing the field house. Dennis Rindone and Ed Carlson were present for the discussion. The lease will be under $25,000 therefore; the committee can contact venders and begin the process. Sue will contact her Recreation Board to find out what other recreation departments are charging and try to obtain a copy of a lease agreement to use as a model. Dennis will get the lease in legal form and prepare a bid packet. Ed will contact Tish for her opinion on the value of the lease. The Committee discussed contacting the Mountain Barn, Meola’s, Gibson’s and Roter Springs.
Dennis will provide half of the amount needed to purchase a scoreboard for the basketball court if one is not donated.
Sue will find out if the agreement made with Polar has to carry over with the lease.

Appointment Recommendation- Ron Milenski
The Select Board officially appointed Ron as a full member in January.

Alternate Member –Barbara Clark
Barbara Clark attended the meeting. She is interested in serving as an alternate member and will send a letter to Dennis.

Administrative Business
The following invoices were approved for payment:
  • PMLD – $18.99
  • Verizon - $50.31
  • Basketball Refund - $120.00 (Note: Pat Baird received a duplicate refund. The check will be returned and deposited into the Rec Revolving account).
  • Woodmeister - $20,351.00
The following revenue was received:
  • Winter Basketball - $1,075.00
  • Brick Orders - $475.00
Kevin moved to approve the January 5, 2009 meeting minutes. Ron seconded.  All in favor (3-0).

Playground Equipment
Chris will meet with equipment companies and provide an update at next meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 pm. All were in favor.
Respectfully Submitted,

Brenda Savoie
Administrative Secretary